Drs. Jack Lincks, Randy Demetter & Mike Florence

Sedation Dentistry

Drs. Lincks, Demetter, and Florence are highly experienced in providing oral, inhalation, and intravenous conscious sedation (I.V. sedation) for their patients.

I.V. conscious sedation is a minimally depressed level of consciousness that retains the patient’s ability to independently and continuously maintain an airway and respond appropriately to physical stimulation or verbal command. It is achieved by administering a sedative drug directly into the blood system. Patients who undergo I.V. conscious sedation remain conscious but often do not remember much about the dental procedure. Most people experience a state of deep relaxation and partial or full memory loss from the time the drugs begin to work until they wear off.

I.V. conscious sedation is administered through a tiny plastic tube attached to a vein. Your pulse, blood pressure, and respiratory rates are closely monitored throughout the procedure to ensure safety. Dr. Lincks, Dr. Demetter, and Dr. Florence are highly trained and qualified to administer intravenous (I.V.) conscious sedation safely for patients who prefer a deeper level of sedation during their dental procedure.

After your visit you will find that you won’t remember very much, even though you feel fine. A responsible adult who can pick you up after treatment and take you home must accompany you to the appointment. You will also need them to keep an eye on you for the next few hours. Even though you may feel fine, you should take it easy for the rest of the day. You should not drive, operate machinery, or drink alcohol after sedation.


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